Thursday, August 15, 2019

Your Scale Is An Asshole

Your Scale Is An Asshole (what works for me)

We all know that honeymoon phase at the beginning of a diet (I hate the term diet by the way).  We step on the scale every day seeing a loss.  Then in slows down or stops for a few days (that feel like forever). We get frustrated & say f*ck it.  It's not worth it.  I'm done.  Weighing too much can be a total mind f*ck.  Not weighing at all can make you get off track.

What works for me
Weighing once a week & keeping track of my hormones.  Ovulation & Period weeks.  After a few months you will see a trend in your weight loss.

Here's what my journey has looked like.  The red numbers are where the scale even went up.

3/13  4.8
3/27  3.8
4/3    1.8
4/10  4.6
4/17    .4
4/24  1.8
5/1    4.2
5/8      .8
5/15  3.8
5/22    .8
5/29  2.6
6/5      .6
6/12  2.6
6/19    .2
7/3       2
7/10    .4
7/17  2.4
7/24 vacation no weigh
7/31  5.6
8/7    3.2
8/13    .6

None of these weigh ins are the same 2 weeks in a row.  Some have big drops, some only drop 2/10 & some even went up!  KEEP GOING!  Do not be ruled by the scale.  Keeping track like I do will show you the ups & downs with your cycles.  When you feel stuck you can look back & see that you've been there before & you kept going knowing as long as you stick to it, you'll continue to progress.   It'll also show you when you stall out for a longer time than normal so you can maybe make some adjustments to get things moving again.

Bonus Tip...  Always take before pictures.  There will be times when you think the scale is moving & my clothes are loser, but why do I see the exact same thing in the mirror?  How quickly we forget... Being able to compare pictures can be huge motivation to keep you going!

You got this!

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