Thursday, August 15, 2019

Bone Broth Fasting. Holy Shit! Literally.

I decided to get a box of bones when picking up my beef a week or so ago.  Bone Broth has a ton of health benefits (Google it) so I was going to can some. As I was looking for recipes for bone broth, I came across a lot of articles about Bone Broth Fasting.  It sounded like the benefits were pretty awesome, so I decided to give it a try.  I told my sister all about it & suckered her in to joining so I wouldn't have to go it alone.  After a week of making gallons of Bone Broth, we decided to start this brilliant plan of a 3 Day Fast together. Most of the fasts I read about recommended 2-4 quarts of broth a day.  I was shooting for 3 cups a serving whenever I would normally have a meal or snack leaving the fat on top.
Day 1 went really well.  I did my normal intermittent fasting as I always do & had my 1st 3 cups of broth at noon.  I felt really good all day.  No hunger.  Except for having to gag down the layer of fat on the top, it tasted delicious.   Snack time came & I had my next 3 cups.  It went down ok, but again all that fat was making me want to gag.  Then dinner.  I was starting to feel a little nauseous.  I got about a cup & a half down.  Really gagging now, but I forced down the rest.  I thought "I just need to get used to it".  I was proud of myself for finishing out the first day.  That is until about 11:30 that night. My tummy started to grumble while laying in bed.  I was feeling really sick by this time.  I thought I was going to vomit, so I tried to hop up fast to run to the bathroom.  As I rush to get out of bed, I almost crapped my pants. I'm not exaggerating here. It took everything in my body to hold back the poop tsunami from flooding my bedroom. I'm rushing to the bathroom trying not to poop myself & puke at the same time. The whole time my Husband doesn't wake up to see the run. You know "the run". Where you're clenched so hard you can barely move and trying to run at the same time. I manage to grab a bowl to hold on my lap while I violate our toilet. I will spare you all the details of the next hour in the bathroom, but it was ugly.  I was like a human splash pad. My poor 4 year old woke up & came in the bathroom in the middle of it all & I had to call the therapist the next day.  Once all of the insanity was out of my body, I felt much better & was able to head back to bed vowing "Fuck this, I'm never drinking Bone Broth again."
Day 2  My days of being a single party girl taught me a particular set of skills that have come in handy from time to time.  Most only benefit my Husband now. (Listen Perv,  I meant being able to stay up all night with the kids & still being able to function the next day, while he gets a full nights sleep.  Get your mind outta the gutter.)  One of those skills is the Puke & Rally.  I woke up feeling pretty good, despite almost dying the night before. I decided that Hair Of The Dog has worked in the past, so let's do this.  I took all of the fat off of the broth this time, which is a really easy process with it being solidified at the top.  I went really easy on it.  2 cups at lunch & 2 cups at dinner.  No snack.  I was not Hungry & didn't really want it, but I gagged much less than the 1st day.  I went to bed proud of completing day two, but so thankful tomorrow was the last day.
Day 3 I'm ready to be done.  Don't care if I ever see, smell, or drink Bone Broth Again.  Feeling better though.  A little hungry for the 1st time.  I managed to get down 2 cups at lunch, 2 for a snack, & 3 at dinner as I was actually ready for real food by then.
THE END It's finally over!  I'm ready for food.  I did my regular Intermittent Fasting until noon.  Then had a salad for lunch while on a school shopping date with my son.  I spent the entire day in & out of store bathrooms, & my son getting mad at me "Mom, You JUST went potty!"  S" Dude.  Mommy made a horrible mistake."
In the end I was down 3.4 lbs, lots of inches, my eyes were clear & bright, my skin was gorgeous, & my head was clearer.  The coolest thing was that my eyelashes were longer! Was it worth it?  Sure?  Will I do it again?  Probably, even though the vomit is rising in my throat even thinking about it.

I'll leave you with my Bone Broth Recipe & "GOOD LUCK"!  My only advice is to stay near a toilet, don't trust a fart, & skim the fat off the top.

Bone Broth
Enough Bones to fill your insta
Carrots, Celery, Onion, Garlic Cloves
Pepper Corns & Pink Salt
Enough Filtered Water to Cover Everything
a little Apple Cider Vinegar to help the process
High Pressure, 2 Hours

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