Thursday, August 29, 2019

Control What You Can & Then Trust The Process

Since opening up about my journey to Losing "It" with you all I've started having people ask me "So, how much weight have you lost now?"  Wanting updates.  I'm so happy you're all excited along with me & want to keep up to date on whats going on. Here's the thing...  I'm almost half a year in to this. Past the honeymoon stage where the weight falls off every day & there's always something to tell.  This is where many people fall off & get discouraged. At this point I lose between 6 & 8 lbs each month depending on my cycle.  I have tracked my cycles (which are not regular) & the weight fluctuations that go along with them.  Two weeks ago was the week before my period.  I was up 2lbs.  Last week I lost that 2lbs along with another 2lbs.  This week is my ovulation week, I'm up 2 lbs again.  I know that will be gone next week.  This is not fat gain.  This is hormones, water, etc...  There are also times I will plateau for a couple weeks for no reason that I can figure out.  During those times I have to trust that my body knows what it needs & evidently it needs a break from dropping weight.
You cannot control hormonal weight fluctuations.
You cannot control weight plateaus.
You can control your mind set.
You can control what you eat during those times.
You can trust the process instead of feeling discouraged.
You can keep going.  Don't quit.
SO, I will share a weight loss status with you all every month or two, but I don't want to get so wrapped up in that number moving that I get discouraged about the journey & doubt the process.  I don't want to feel pressure for that scale to drop every single week, because I know that it won't every single time.  I don't want you to be wrapped up in that number either.  You are making a change for life.  It won't happen over night.  There is no finish line or dead line.  On those weeks where the scale doesn't move or even goes up a little, Control what you can & then trust the process.


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