Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Who Got The Booch?

(My Favorites pictured above.  Kevita has a Raspberry Lemonade I love as well)

Let's talk Kombucha... I mean what could there possibly be not to love about a Vinegar Tea Beer Bacteria Yeast Drink? Am I right? Ok, maybe it's an acquired taste, but you should acquire it.  Like ASAP.  Why?  Gut health, Yo.  (There are millions of articles out there that will tell you why gut health is so important.  If you don't already know, Google it!)
I'm not a Dr or Health Care Professional, but I'll tell you what it has done for me.

1. Energy.  It gives me that afternoon pick me up I need some days.
2. Mood.  That could go hand in hand with the "pick me up" thing in #1.
3. Appetite Suppression.  This gets rid of my occasional urge to snack in the afternoon.
4. Immune Boosting.  This could be partly from the way I eat as well, but I have not suffered from         any kind of sickness or allergy issues in months.
5. Regular Digestion.  I have always had a bit of a sensitive tummy.  As long as I drink my                       Kombucha daily I don't have any issues with that.
6. Along with the Digestion, it keeps bloating & such at bay during hormonal times.
7. I definitely feel a difference on days that I don't take it.  Just a general Blah feeling.

In my opinion, not all Kombuchas are created equal.  All Kombucha has sugar in it because that's what the bacteria feeds off of.  "They" say that all of the sugar is eaten by the bacteria.  I don't 100% trust that. Some have more juice added after the fermentation process as well. So if you're watching your sugars, I would go for the lower sugar content just to be safe. Also, they are a little pricy, but a bottle is normally 2 servings.  I will usually split mine between 2 days.

Lots of people make their own.  They say it's pretty easy. Amazon has a great book that a friend recently bought.  (I cannot remember the name of it right now) If you want to make your own, more power to ya.  Someday I will as well.  Today is not that day.

So what I'm saying is, give it a shot.  A few shots, because it may take some getting used to.  Your body will thank you.


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