Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Hey All!  Welcome to my very First Post on my very First Blog!  

I'm a 42 year old (Today!) Wife & Mother of 3 beautiful boys.  I have a passion for Jesus, My Family, Food, Photography & Writing.  (and the occasional FBomb)  After spending the last 10 years packing on weight struggling with PCOS, Infertility Treatments, 4 Pregnancies, Miscarriage, 3 Sections, & Postpartum Depression, I vowed to be in the best shape of my life by the time I turned 40.  Seeing as how since becoming a Mother I run late for everything (church, appointments, the bills, my period...) here I am crushing that goal at 42.  I have energy back.  I can spend an "adult" weekend away with my Hubby or play all day at the beach or play football after dinner with my boys without it feeling like a chore or waking up hurting in the morning.  I'm gaining my life back, My Hubby is gaining his Wife back, my Kids are gaining their Mom back, while I'm losing "It"!

How am I doing this? 

I prayed & prayed over it & Jesus led me to a lifestyle that had been calling my name.  I had been Sugar free without real results for over 6 years.  A friend of mine had been Sugar Free & Grain Free for 6 years, losing a significant amount of  weight and keeping it off.  On March 13th 2019 I gave up grains & sugar.  I added in Intermittent fasting about a month later & haven't looked back.  I'm about 50lbs down with a whole lot to go.  A lifetime to go.  I hope you'll enjoy joining me on my journey as I share recipes, tips, tricks, progress, & the hilarity that ensues in this Crazy BoyMom life.  If I can inspire or help just one other person to get their life back, this will all be worth it.

FYI... My long blog posts will not be on the same post as my recipes.  If you're like me you cannot stand scrolling through an entire posts of how someones Grandma had a dog that used to go pick Cherries off of a tree to bring them to the kitchen where they'd make a Fresh Cherry Pie that tasted like rainbows & sunshine. (Or however a recipe came to be)  When I make a recipe post, I'll share a picture and the recipe.  I'll save my bullshit for posts like this. 

Here's to gaining it all while we lose it together!


  1. Yay Mandy!

    I can not wait to see the amazing things you post. You are hilarious and so very talented. So proud of you!

  2. So excited! Can't wait to see what's to come!

  3. Mandy !!! You freaking GO GIRL !!! I have been blogging for about 10 years now and I love it. So glad you created a space for your outlet. Also happy on everything you're achieving. Congrats and you're gonna kick ass on the blog thing for sure. :-)
