Friday, August 16, 2019

Spoiled. Rotten.

Here we go...  I'm about to hit ya with some hard truths & tough love.  You. Are. Spoiled.
What!?  Screw you Mandy!  You don't know my life!

I know because we all are.  We live in a world of instant gratification.  Everything we want is right at our fingertips & we are used to having it right now.  We don't like to accept the word NO.  People will say  "I could never eat the way you do all the time."  "I could never give up sugar."  "I would have to treat myself sometimes."  "Life happens.  You can't always stay on track."  My answer to all of these is "Because you're spoiled." You can do all of these things.  Even when it's hard or inconvenient.  You just don't want to.  In all of these situations YOU and only YOU are making a choice.  There is no judgement here.  You don't have as much weight as I have to lose without having said all of these things.  This is the hard truth I had to come to terms with when I finally fully committed to this journey.  When I would struggle with a craving I'd have to tell myself "Quit acting like a spoiled brat & just do it."  I'd think "I can't live without that favorite food FOREVER!"  Why not?  Because I'm spoiled and can't handle being told no?  How has eating that food worked for me this far?  Oh yeah I have a shit ton of weight to lose....  "But I LOVE sugar.  I can't give it up." Remember that boyfriend you had in high school that was a complete POS?  Remember how you loved him SO much? Everyone knew he wasn't good for you.  Deep down you knew he wasn't good for you.  You'd give him up for a little bit start feeling better but then you'd break down and go back & he'd make you feel like shit again?  Then you finally gave him up & broke that cycle & now your years down the road & you realize how much better your life is without him?  Yeah, that's sugar.  You can give up sugar & you can eat right.  You just have to be willing to do the hard stuff & tell yourself NO!

Unless you are unable to to move or speak, these are all excuses...
Life Happens.
We had to stop & get fast food because we're busy with the kids stuff.
Somebody else was cooking for me I couldn't be rude.
It was our anniversary, birthday, vacation, taco tuesday, wine wednesday, TREAT YOSELF!

Whatever your excuse.  It's bullshit.  Fast food places have salads.  You can respectfully decline when someone is cooking for you & eat what parts of the meal that you can.  Even when "Life happens". Unless somebody regularly force feeds you Reece's Peanut Butter Cups (in which case  that seems like an unhealthy relationship & something you should address) you always have a choice.

Once we start taking responsibility for our food choices & change our wording from "I can or I can't" eat that, to "I want to or I don't want to eat that" we gain control over those choices.  You'll see that you held the power all along.


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