Monday, August 12, 2019

Deviled Egg Radish Faux Tato Salad

Deviled Egg Radish Faux Tato Salad

1 pkg Sliced Radishes
1/2 Small Onion Chopped
5 Eggs Hard Boiled (Whites & Yolks separated.  Whites chopped)
1/4-1/2 Cup Mayo
1-3 Tsp Dijion Mustard
Pink Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Paprika. To Taste.

Cook Radishes all the way through.  You should be able to smash them with a firm finger press.  The water will be red & the white part will appear somewhat clearer.

Mash the egg yolks, mustard, & mayo together.

Mix all chopped ingredients & Mayo mix.  Season to taste.

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