Monday, September 23, 2019

Zapple Crisp For One : Air Fryer

1 zucchini peeled & seeds removed
2-2.5 Tbsp Splenda Naturals
2 Tbsp Butter
Dash of Lemon Extract
Heavy Dash of Vanilla
Heavy Dash of Black Strap Molasses
Good amount of cinnamon
Cook all ingredients in a sauce pan until zucchini is cooked but not mushy.
Little Xantham Gum to thicken if needed
You could Add a dash of apple extract too.

(I didn't measure)
Some Nut Flour Blend
Chopped Pecans
Splenda Naturals
2 Tbsp melted Butter
Mix together & sprinkle on top

Baked in air fryer. 375 4 min.

Amazing warm with fresh whipped cream on top!

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