Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Most Questionable Things I've Ever Said Or Done Have Been After A Few Busch Lights (I Stand With Carson King)

One time when my son was a toddler, he whipped his penis out in front of a bunch of people and said "LOOK AT MY PENIS!".   Don't worry.  I've assured him that he is a sexual predator & will never be anything other than that.  I've told him please do not try to do big things when you're a grown up.  DO NOT try to help anyone.  Because you did this, you cannot do good things when you're grown.  I know you are young & your brain is still developing.  You don't know that as an adult this won't still be funny, but you did it. Too bad.
Does this sound ridiculous?

I would normally not comment on controversy like this, but I was instantly emotionally involved in the Carson King Story.  Having kids that depend on donations from kind people for medical treatments to save their lives hits really close to home.  My Nephews life was saved due to people like Carson.  This kid, yes 23 is still a kid, deciding to donate all of this money to help sick little Hero's made him a Hero himself.  He did not have to donate a dime.  That was his money.  I'm sure a whole lot of 20 somethings would not have made the same decision he did.  He took this joke & turned it in to magic.  Just think how many lives he will save with this donation.  Just think how many families will get to hold their little ones for years to come due to his kindness & generosity.

Enter a Greedy Newspaper...  To them none of this matters.  What mattered to them was selling Newspapers.  They found questionable posts from from when Carson was 16.  SIXTEEN.  For. The. Love. Of. God.  Please tell me of your teenage perfection.  How did you manage to never do anything questionable as a teenager, a CHILD.  They did not need to say a word about this.  They chalked it up to a thorough background check.  I call BULLSHIT.  This had nothing to do with the story.  Their attempt to make Carsons teenage poor judgement more important than his actions of today made many of us love him more.

I am actually shocked at Busch cutting ties with him.  They could have used this as an opportunity to show people grow up & change.  Your teen years & childhood don't define you.  We have all said things that were in poor taste, hurtful, or even mean.

In fact just as many or you reading this, the most questionable things I've said or done in my life have been after a few too many Busch Lights.  Perhaps we should cut ties with them due to their contributions to poor decisions.


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